电力生产是社会化大生产,技术密集且复杂,分工细致严格,工作程序严谨而有连续性。由于行业的特殊性,运行工人的主要工作就是24 h不间断监盘,保证设备安全经济运行。因此,作为一名合格的运行工人必须做好“五要”,即监盘要认真、调整要及时、操作要精心、巡检要到位、纪律要严明。
Electricity production is a large-scale socialized production. The technology is intensive and complicated. The division of labor is rigorous and rigorous. The working procedures are rigorous and continuous. Due to the particularity of the industry, the main task of operating the workers is to conduct 24-hour continuous monitoring to ensure the safe and economical operation of the equipment. Therefore, as a qualified operative, we must make a “five-point” plan. That is, supervision should be implemented earnestly, adjustments must be made promptly, operations should be carefully conducted, inspections should be put in place, and discipline should be strictly observed.