Based on the comprehensive analysis of the concept of marginal arable land, the article comprehensively studied the countermeasures of the marginal arable land and its comprehensive improvement in the northwestern area of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei with the field survey and observation. The results showed that the input-output benefit of cultivated land managers, the damage status of regional environmental quality and human health caused by cultivated land use activities were the comprehensive evaluation criteria of marginal cultivated land. Most of the low-grade cultivated land in the northwestern Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region belonged to the marginal Cultivated land has its limiting factors such as climate and other congenital factors as well as natural factors such as soil and more socio-economic factors. Comprehensive improvement of marginal cultivated land must not only strengthen the sustainable development of groundwater resources, It is also necessary to analyze the main limiting factors of the marginal arable land in the region by means of soil genesis and ecology theory. The first is to eliminate or weaken the influence of the limiting factors and the second is to use the material recycling measures to fertilize the soil as soon as possible so as to promote the coordinated development of the region .