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警民关系、警察形象是确保公安机关打击犯罪、保护人民立足于不败之地的关键,各级公安机关历来对此像善待自己生命一样珍视。然而,2001年9月21日在河南省周口市商水县人民法院刑事审判庭的被告席上,由商水县人民检察院起诉的6名被告人中竟有4名系多年从事公安工作的民警,其中1人曾被授予二级警督警衔,3人曾被授予三级警督警衔。 公诉机关指控:1997年至1999年间,被告人李玉全、董修堂、赵文海在商水县公安控申股工作期间及被告人董修堂、王正起在商水县公安局纪检监察室工作期间,与被告人王国玉、宋召礼等人预谋后,相互勾结、共同实施犯罪,先由宋召礼、王国玉以找妇女卖淫或以摩托车、机动三轮车作为“小路货”出卖为手段,引诱他人上钩,然后由李玉全、董修堂等4人对嫖客或买车人进行拘留、罚款,并从罚款中给宋召礼、王国玉及卖淫女等人提成,先后作案19起,涉案金额20多万元,在当地造成了极坏的影响…… The relationship between the police and the people and the police is the key to ensure that the public security organs crack down on crimes and protect the people in an invincible position. Public security organs at all levels have always cherished the same as treating their own lives. However, on September 21, 2001, at the dock of the Criminal Trial Chamber of the Shangshui County People’s Court in Zhoukou City, Henan Province, four of the six defendants sued by the People’s Procuratorate of Shangshui County actually had four police officers who had been engaged in public security work for many years , One of whom was awarded the rank of second-level police inspector, and three of whom were awarded the rank of third-level police inspector. Prosecutor accused: During 1997-1999, the defendants Li Yuquan, Dong Xiu Tang and Zhao Wenhai, both during the work of public security stock holding in Shangshui County and during the work of the defendants Dong Xiu Tang and Wang Zhengqi in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Shangshui Public Security Bureau, Jade, Song Li and others premeditated, collusion and joint implementation of the crime, the first Song Zhao Li, Wang Guoyu to find prostitution or motorcycle, motor tricycle as a “barricade” betrayed as a means to lure others to hook, and then by Li Yuquan, Dong Xiu Tang And other 4 people detained clients and car buyers for detention and fined them and commissioned Song Zhaoli, Wang Guoyu and prostitutes from fines for committing 19 crime cases, involving more than 200,000 yuan, causing extremely bad influence on the ground ...
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有人说:违法赚钱的三大暴利行业是贩卖军火、毒品交易和生产文物赝品。 Someone said: The three major areas of lucrative business that make illegal money are the sal
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