1998年,国务院确定甘肃省漳县为全国妇联定点帮扶的贫困县。从那时起,一个帮助漳县人民摆 脱贫困、奔向小康的长远规划摆在了妇联领导的办公桌上,从那时起,矗立在北京长安街的全国 妇联办公楼里,每个人都对远在西北的漳县有了一份牵挂。6年来,在全国妇联的帮扶和当地干 部群众的努力下,漳县发生了有目共睹的变化。扶助漳县脱贫的规划,正在一步步变成现实。
In 1998, the State Council determined that Zhang County, Gansu Province, was a designated poverty-stricken county of the All-China Women’s Federation. Since then, a long-term plan to help people out of poverty in Zhang County and toward a well-to-do society has been placed on the desk of the women’s federation. Since then, it has been standing in the All-China Women’s Federation office building on Chang’an Avenue in Beijing. Everyone is right Zhang County in the northwest has a worry. Over the past six years, with the help of the All-China Women’s Federation and the efforts of local cadres and the masses, there have been notable changes in Zhang County. The plan to help poverty alleviation in Zhang County is gradually becoming a reality.