一、需求分析 对企业来说,供应链管理是关系到自身生存、发展的关键,是迈向电子商务的第一步。如何让供应商、制造商、运货商、分销商、零售商到最终用户各环节配合无误?如何能以最低成本把正确的商品卖给适合的消费群?如何消除积压与缺货?所有这些目标,您都可利用IBM电子商务,通过改善供应链管理而逐步实现。 利用电子商务技术优化供应链管理,首先完成企业内部业务流程一体化,然后再向企业外的合作伙伴延伸,实现信息共享,最终达到生产、采购、库存、销售以及财务和人力资源管理的全面集成,令物流、信息流、资金流发挥最大效能,把理想的供应链运作变为现实。
First, the demand analysis For enterprises, supply chain management is related to their own survival and development of the key is the first step towards e-commerce. How to get suppliers, manufacturers, carriers, distributors, retailers and end-users all right? How to sell the right product to the right consumer at the lowest cost? How to eliminate the backlog and out of stock? All these Goal, you can all take advantage of IBM e-commerce and progressively improve your supply chain management. The use of e-commerce technology to optimize supply chain management, first complete the integration of business processes within the enterprise, and then extended to partners outside the enterprise, to achieve information sharing, and ultimately to the production, procurement, inventory, sales and financial and human resources management fully integrated , So that logistics, information flow, capital flow to maximize efficiency, the ideal operation of the supply chain into reality.