阿尔杜斯·马努蒂乌斯(Aldus Manutius,1449—1515)是15世纪末至16世纪初意大利的印刷商。1489年迁居威尼斯,买下著名的N.詹森印刷所,改名为阿尔丁印刷所,以大量刊行廉价的古希腊、古罗马经典著作而著称。他们一家三代在100年中印
Aldus Manutius (1449-1515) was a printing press in Italy from the late 15th to early 16th centuries. He moved to Venice in 1489 and bought the famous N. Jensen Press, renamed the Ardenne Press, famous for his extensive collection of cheap ancient Greek and Roman classics. They have three generations of India and China in 100 years