The concept and theory of “fuzzy” was first put forward by Professor Richard Chad, a professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the University of California, USA. In 1965, he published the article “Fuzzy Sets” in the third issue of Volume VIII of Information and Control magazine. It is Chad that this article has aroused great interest of many explorers, so with the emergence of fuzzy mathematics, fuzzy logic, fuzzy linguistics also came into being. Mr. Wu Tieping first introduced the theory of fuzzy to Chinese studies. His “Preliminary Study of Vague Language” and “Preliminary Study of Vague Language” generally introduced the generation and development of vague language and thoroughly analyzed and explained the vague nature of everyday language (including Chinese). These two essays aroused the great interest and general concern of domestic linguists toward the vague government. Soon a large number of monographs and translations about vague language appeared. These articles have studied and discussed many issues of vague language from different perspectives and have achieved gratifying results.