因钻孔中不断涌、喷出地下热水,给钻探工程带来了其它钻探工程所没有或少有的“热、烫、潮、喷、雾”的新问题,造成施工上不少困难。涌、喷出来的热水温度越高,水头越高,压力越大,流量越大,就会给钻探施工带来困难越大。 “热”指的是由于钻孔涌出的热水不断扩散热蒸气;从钻孔中提拔出来的热钻具引起的热辐射,提高了机场的温度,在南方炎热的夏季,特别使人感到闷热难受和精神疲乏。
Due to continuous drilling in the borehole, underground hot water is sprayed out, bringing new problems of “hot, hot, humid, sprayed and foggy” to drilling projects that are not or rarely found in other drilling projects, resulting in many difficulties in construction. Chung, hot water spray out of the higher temperature, the higher the head, the greater the pressure, the greater the flow rate, it will give drilling construction more difficult. “Hot” refers to the constant diffusion of hot vapors due to the hot water pouring from the borehole; the thermal radiation from hot boreholes extracted from the borehole increases the temperature of the airport and is particularly felt in the hot summer months in the South Suffering and mental fatigue.