Teacher dedicates herself to educating kids in mountainous town 90后“孩子王”用美和青春谱写出大山的回音

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  A young college graduate has chosen to remain as a teacher at a mountainous school in east China’s Jiangxi Province even though it is many miles from her home.
  Tu Youyou, in her 20s, officially became a teacher in the elementary school in a suburban(郊区的) district of the provincial capital Nanchang in September 2016. The school has only 14 students in a span of five grades. Many parents have left their children alone at home while working as rural migrants in far-off cities.
  Tu explained that she dared not go out at night and would burst into tears sometimes when she was alone at the beginning.
  The sense of guilt and duty encouraged her to make a difference to herself and local students, when she happened to find that a little girl and her brother had nothing to do after school.
  In addition to teaching piano to local students at her own expense, Tu has tried her utmost to inspire their enthusiasm toward academic learning through new teaching methods.
  After the retirement of the former headmaster last year, she took over the post and devoted more energy as well as time to her students. Meanwhile, she is their Chinese and English teacher.
  She has since been occupied with normal teaching workloads, frequent visits to her students’ homes and constant improvement of her academic competence.
  Her students have made sound progress in their academic studies and ranked top in several rounds of contests with other local schools over the past two years.
  Tu said the achievement made by her students in their studies is a testament to the assumption that their potential can be unlocked once they receive full respect and recognition from teachers.
  In turn, many children send their home-grown and wild vegetables and fruits to Tu as a way to convey their gratitude to her.
  Furthermore, Tu often organized her students to tour neighboring mountains, collect garbage and visit elderly people during the weekends to better enrich their lives and foster their values.
  Tu said that teaching makes her happy and she will spare no effort to provide quality education to students at the school.
  Reading Check
  What should we learn from Tu Youyou and what can we do for the teachers and students in the remote areas?
  Language Study
  Complete the following phrases according to the text.   1. 突然大哭
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