佝偻病为婴幼儿之一常见疾病,不及时诊治对发育影响甚大。特别是当前在党中央领导下,对儿童保健工作十分重视和关怀,并直接与计划生育的贯彻执行有着重大影响。因而必须大力地、有计划的开展对佝偻病的防治工作。我院于一九七七年秋季(十月)和一九七八年春季(四月)两次集中普查之工厂、街道居民、郊区农村以及佝偻病门诊经临床筛选之1580病例(普查1168例、门诊412例)和治疗后复查143例 X 线腕关节
Rickets is a common disease of infants and young children, not timely diagnosis and treatment of development has a great impact. Especially under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee, we attach great importance to and care for children’s health care and directly influence the implementation of family planning. Therefore, we must vigorously and systematically carry out the prevention and control of rickets. The 1580 cases (1168 cases of census, 1568 cases of census, 1568 cases of census) from two census factories, street residents, suburban rural areas and rickets clinics in our hospital in the autumn of October 1977 (October) and the spring of 1978 (April) 412 outpatients) and review of 143 cases of X-ray wrist after treatment