The people of the whole country, with great excitement and pleasure, walked from victory to victory in 1952. After the “three oppositions” and “five oppositions” campaigns, they were encouraged by the brilliant victory of Shangganling and people welcomed the new 1953 with stronger conviction. This year gave us three great tasks. First, we continued to step up the struggle for the war on aiding the United States and aid the country for greater victories. Second, we started implementing the first five-year plan for nation-building and completed and overrun the construction of 1953 Plan; third, convene the National People’s Congress, promulgate the constitution, through the national construction plan. Faced with the advent of this great new era in 1953, how biologists and biology teachers should be prepared and how to plan to work with each of these tasks in their work so as to achieve a higher degree of Building our motherland more effectively with all our power is something that we should first consider.