所谓在系统可编程(In-System Programmability,缩写为ISP),是指在用户自己设计的目标系统中或线路板上为重构逻辑而对逻辑器件进行编程或反复改写的能力.常规PLD在使用中通常是先编程后装配,而采用ISP技术的PLD则是先装配后编程,成为产品之后还可反复编程.在系统编程器件的出现,从实践上全面实现了逻辑设计师们多年来梦寐以求的“硬件设计与修改软件化”的愿望,使得当今数字电子系统设计面
In-System Programmability (ISP) refers to the ability to program or repeatedly rewrite logic in a user-designed target system or on a board to reconstruct logic. Is usually the first programming after the assembly, and using ISP technology PLD is the first programming after assembly, after the product can be repeatedly programmed in the emergence of system programming devices, in practice, the full realization of the logic designers have been dreaming for many years The desire to “hardware design and modify software” makes today’s digital electronic system design surface