世代居住在三峡腹地的村民走出古老的村庄,来到高速公路旁新兴的城镇,看着一辆辆豪华大巴飞驰而过,目睹身旁熟悉而荒芜多年的河塘开发成为城里人趋之若鹜的旅游胜地,用“沧海桑田”这个词才能形容他们周围环境的变迁不算过份。 造就“圈地运动”潮 渝涪高速公路开工建设后,三峡库区平静的土地变得沸腾,凡在高速公路立交桥边的地皮均强势上涨。 1998年5月在高速公路边成立的重庆市李渡区一夜成名。距涪陵只有10公里,距主城区178公里缩短至100公里,腹区内含纵穿全境的319国道,南有长江滚滚东逝水,30公
Generations of villagers living in the hinterland of the Three Gorges out of the ancient villages, came to the emerging towns along the highway, watching a luxury bus speeding past witnessed by the familiar and desolate years of development of the Hetang became the city people rushing travel Resort, with the word “Tang Kui Tian” can describe their changes in the surrounding environment is not excessive. Creating a “Enclosure Movement” After the construction of the Chao-Yu-Fu Expressway was started, the calm land in the Three Gorges reservoir area became boiling. All the land on the side of the expressway overpass had a strong rise. In 1998 May set up in the highway side of Li Duqu district of Chongqing became famous overnight. Only 10 kilometers away from Fuling, 178 kilometers away from the main urban area shortened to 100 kilometers, the abdominal area includes the national highway 319 throughout the country, south of the Yangtze River rolling East through the water, 30 kilometers