《空镜子》所有,是中国电视所无。《空镜子》所无,是中国电视当弃。《空镜子》所向往,该是中国电视所祈望。 许多人偏爱《空镜子》,就像偏爱素面朝天、不施粉黛却妩媚自在、天生丽质的红颜。这是一部没有开场锣鼓的喧嚣、没有铺天盖地的广告、没有枪手助阵就寂寞登场的电视剧。不寂寞的,是它缓慢却长久的回响,意蕴悠长的回味,在中国的电视界、舆论界,也在电视观众的心底。
“Empty mirror” all, is nothing in Chinese television. “Empty Mirror” nothing, when the Chinese television to abandon. “Empty Mirror” longing for, it is the hope of Chinese television. Many people prefer the “empty mirror”, just like the partial preference, but not charming powder Dai, natural beauty of the roots. This is a no opening gongs and drums of the noise, there is no overwhelming advertising, no lone gunmen to help out debut TV series. Not lonely, it is the slow but long-lasting echo, Meaning long aftertaste, in China’s television industry, media, but also the hearts of television viewers.