品尝甜品不仅是一种味觉享受,更是一场视觉盛宴。历史已经有上百年的点心文化在世界各国都看得见,英国人爱吃嚼感丰富的烤饼、奥地利人以苦中带甜的沙河巧克力蛋糕闻名、法国人为鲜奶油泡荚钟情、印度人喜欢甜味十足的潘安(Paan)与拉西(Lassi)…英国人的占董食物英式烤饼也叫司康和英式松饼,可不仅仅是爱尔兰特有的传统食物,最早是苏格兰人创造的快速面包,它的名字是由苏格兰皇室加冕的地亢一块有长久历史并被称为司康之石(Stone of Scone)或命运之石(Stone of Destiny)的石头而来的。
Tasting dessert is not only a taste of taste, but also a visual feast. History has a hundred years of dessert culture can be seen in all countries in the world, the British love to eat chewy rich scones, Austrians in bitter sweet Shahe chocolate cake is famous, the French people love butter cream pods, Indians Like Paan and Lassi ... The English-made tart British scones, also known as Sikang and English muffins, are more than just Irish-specific traditional foods, but first created by the Scots Quick Bread, whose name is from the coronation of the Scottish royal family has a long history and known as Stone (Stone of Scone) or Stone of Destiny stone from.