In July 1894, Japanese imperialism launched a war of aggression against China (Sino-Japanese Sino-Japanese War of 1894). The corrupt Qing government summed it up with Japan. On April 11, 1895, the Japanese government signed the Treaty of Shimonoseki, “. Treaty provisions: Taiwan, Penghu Islands and other ceded to Japan; compensation for military expenditures 220 million silver; allow Japan to open factories in China, additional trade ports. The people of Taiwan and the people of the Mainland separated themselves from each other in water and became dependent on each other. When the news of the concession was heard, the people of all ethnic groups in the country felt overwhelmed with excitement and denounced the traitor for the country and opposed it. On the second day after the signing of the ”Treaty of Shimonoseki,“ the people of Taiwan staunchly announced the ”strike out of the market“ and furiously protested the selling of the Qing government by the people of Taichung and Tainan. ”Homeland, righteousness and survival" oath. At a time when the people in Taiwan are actively preparing for the war of resistance against Japan, the Qing government disregarded the indignant protests of the people throughout the country and ignored the livelihood of the people in Taiwan.