我县广大社员群众历来就有用河泥浆作麦子腊肥的习惯。近几年来,随着科学种田水平的逐步提高,在施肥技术上又有了改进。实践证明,河泥浆不仅是一个来源丰富的肥料,而且科学地施用河泥浆,能够达到一肥多用的目的,是促使麦子增产的一项重要措施。使用河泥桨有什么好处? 我们曾经在青三大队作过试验和观察,麦子浇施河泥浆的好处有五条:
The vast masses of members of our county have always had the habit of using river mud for wheat wax dressing. In recent years, with the gradual increase in the level of scientific farming, fertilization technology has been improved. Practice has proved that the river mud is not only a rich source of fertilizers, but also the scientific application of river mud, can achieve the purpose of a fat and more use, is to promote wheat yield an important measure. What are the benefits of using river mud? We have done experiments and observations in the Third Brigade, the benefits of wheat pouring river mud there are five: