患者,男,10岁。15天前无何诱因发热,体温39℃,给服感冒药三天后体温下降,但头昏明显,非喷射性呕吐频繁。病后第七天出现说话吐词不清,第十天语言含糊更明显,双下肢活动受限,走路摇晃,腹部饱胀,嗜睡而入院。 体查:体温35℃,脉搏80,呼吸22,血压108/80。神清,表情淡薄,步态蹒跚,头低垂。五官、心肺检查无异常,腹部饱胀,软,肝于肋缘触及,脾未触及,肾区无叩击痛。Kernig征、Brudzinski征、Babiski征均阴性,腹壁反射、提睾反射
Patient, male, 10 years old. 15 days ago without any incentives for fever, body temperature 39 ℃, to take cold medicine three days after hypothermia, but dizziness obvious non-jet vomiting frequent. On the seventh day after illness, voices and vomit were unclear. On the tenth day, the vague language was more obvious. The activities of the lower extremities were limited, the walk was shaky, the abdomen was full and drowsiness was admitted to the hospital. Physical examination: body temperature 35 ℃, pulse 80, breathing 22, blood pressure 108/80. Clear, low expression, staggering gait, head drooping. Facial features, no abnormal heart and lung examination, fullness of the abdomen, soft, liver touched in the marginal ribs, spleen not touched, kidney percussion pain. Kernig’s sign, Brudzinski’s sign, Babiski’s sign were all negative, abdominal reflex, cremasteric reflex