在许多中国人的精神生活中,1998年的春天属于“泰坦尼克号”。80多年前那个深夜里,大西洋冰山脚下那一幕刻骨铭心、尸横海面的悲剧,跨过时空隧道,在世纪末突然而至又挥之不去,久久弥散在人们的泪光中、思绪里。 第二次世界大战期间,法西斯德国在奥斯维辛集中营的煤气房里残害了成千上万的犹太人。几年前,大导演斯皮尔伯格以一部《辛德勒的名单》,为我们再现了那令人颤栗的“历史的真实”。诗人说:“奥斯维辛之后人类不复有诗。”当人可以变得如此罪恶、当人与人之间可以如此罪恶时,人
In the spiritual life of many Chinese people, the spring of 1998 belonged to the Titanic. 80 years ago that night, the Atlantic Ocean iceberg at the foot of the scene unforgettable, cross-sea tragedy across the space-time tunnel, suddenly and lingering in the end of the century, long dispersed in people’s tears, thoughts. During the Second World War, fascist Germany ruined thousands of Jews in the gas chambers of the Auschwitz concentration camp. A few years ago, Spielberg, the big director, reappeared the trembling “truth of history” with a list of “Schindler’s.” The poet said: “There are no more poems in humankind after Auschwitz.” When one can become so sinful that when one can be so sinful from person to person, one