中国书法讲究“人老书老”,仿佛只有随着年龄和阅历的增长才能慢慢参透人生的真谛,探寻到书法艺术博大的精髓。就像百年老木,被时间镌刻下的年轮载着沉重的沧桑。 1963年出生的庄培森,研习书法却已近30年。多年来他不断超越自我,成为书坛佼佼者,书法大家黄苗子老先生评其“乙酉书法”“渐人佳境”。除自身的刻苦努力之外,也得益于其良好的家庭环境打下的基础。
Chinese calligraphy emphasizes “old people, old books,” as if only with the growth of age and experience can slowly penetrate the essence of life, to explore the essence of the broad art of calligraphy. Like a hundred years old wood, engraved by the time under the ring carrying a heavy vicissitudes. Zhuang Peisen was born in 1963, studying calligraphy but it has been nearly 30 years. Over the years, he constantly surpassed himself and became the leader in calligraphy. Mr. Huang Miazi, a calligrapher, commented on his “Bushi calligraphy” as “getting better.” In addition to its hard work, it also benefits from the foundation laid by its good family environment.