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随着教育体制改革的深入开展,国家相继出台一系列政策法规以全面推进素质教育。审美教育是素质教育的重要组成部分,在学校教育中占有极其重要的地位。历史作为学校教育的一门学科,在开展审美教育中有着不可替代的作用。在中学历史教学中开展审美教育,首先充分发掘历史教材中审美教育素材,利用这些美育素材对学生进行审美教育;第二通过灵活多样的课堂教学方法开展审美教育,寓教于乐,激发学生学习兴趣,培养学生健康的审美情趣;第三通过课外活动拓展审美教育,让学生在课外依然能感受美、体验美,并激发他们创造美的热情。第四历史教师是审美教育的直接实施者,要确保审美教育实施的效果就必须对历史教师提出更高的要求。 With the deepening of the education system reform, the state has successively introduced a series of policies and regulations to promote quality education in an all-round way. Aesthetic education is an important part of quality education and plays an extremely important role in school education. As a subject of school education, history plays an irreplaceable role in carrying out aesthetic education. To develop aesthetic education in history teaching in middle schools, we first fully explore the aesthetic education materials in historical textbooks and use these aesthetic education materials to aesthetically educate students. Second, we carry out aesthetic education through flexible and diverse classroom teaching methods to educate and entertain students. Interested in cultivating students’ healthy aesthetic tastes; Third, expanding aesthetic education through extra-curricular activities so that students can still experience beauty and experience beauty outside class, and inspire them to create beautiful enthusiasm. The fourth history teacher is the direct implementer of aesthetic education. To ensure the effectiveness of aesthetic education, it is necessary to put forward higher requirements for history teachers.
9月7日《珠江晚报》报道,珠海心理学工作者的一项调查显示,孩子不服管教同“父亲缺位”有关,单亲家庭的孩子尤其如此,“协约爸爸”于是应运而生。市民欧女士以孩子的亲身经历向记者介绍了这一珠海地区的新事物。据其介绍,“兼职爸爸”要和孩子同吃同住,同睡一张床。经过一个暑假的磨合,儿子果然在“大小伙”的感染下改变了性格,学会了正常的人际交往。专家表示应摒弃世俗观念,积极看待这一新生事物。  这让我想到了中国