来源 :Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:SRoo09
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The nonlinear interactions between tidal waves propagating in an infinite shallow canal with constant width and depth are analysed. The friction is assumed to be proportional to the square of velocity and regarded as partially nonlinear. A comparison between the magnitude of nonlinearity of fric-tional origin with that of nonfrictional origin is given. The exact expressions of the coefficients of the Fourier expansion of |u|u are obtained when u contains two waves, and an approximate expansion is also obtained when u contains three or more waves. Approximate solutions for primary and subordinate waves are given, showing (i) when the primary waves travel together, the smaller wave will decay at a faster rate; (ii) subordinate waves experience the processes of growth and decay owing to friction; (iii) because of frictional nonlinearity, the practical ranges of variation of the nodal factors f used in tidal analysis and prediction should usually be smaller than the theoretical ones, (iv) the growth of over The nonlinear interactions between tidal waves propagating in an infinite shallow canal with constant width and depth are analyzed. The friction is assumed to be proportional to the square of velocity and as as partially nonlinear. A comparison between the magnitude of nonlinearity of fric-tional origin with that of nonfrictional origin is given. The exact expressions of the coefficients of the Fourier expansion of | u | u are obtained when u contains two waves, and an approximate expansion is also obtained when u contains three or more waves. Approximate solutions for primary and subordinate waves are given, showing (i) when the primary waves travel together, the smaller wave will decay at a faster rate; (ii) subordinate waves experience the processes of growth and decay due to friction; (iii) because of frictional nonlinearity , the practical variation of the nodal factors f used in tidal analysis and prediction should usually be smaller than the theoretical ones, (iv) the growth of over
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【作者简介】  东火:7岁开始跟随父亲钓鱼,玩过朝天钩,也赶过台钓潮和路亚潮,后来却丢弃了路亚竿,开始疯狂迷恋飞钓。飞钓那风一般的旋律、舞一般的节奏深深地触动了东火的心,也让他思绪万千。  目前东火学习飞钓已经有八九个年头了,可谓小有成就。虽然站在巨人的肩膀上总是很惬意,但他认为独乐不如同乐,他愿把自己学到的、看到的、听到的与大家分享,更希望能与大家探讨、交流。  东火为了能在国内更好地推广和发展
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