《史学集刊》创办于1956年,后因故停刊。党的十一届三中全会后,沐浴着科学的春 风,1981年,《史学集刊》终于得以重获新生。20年来,《史学集刊》始终坚持党的基本原则,贯彻百 花齐放,百家争鸣的方针,恪守传承学术薪火、弘扬历史文化的办刊宗旨,形成了自己的特色,推出 了一大批学术精品论文。值此复刊20周年之际,为回顾过去,展望未来,本刊特意邀请了国内学术 界的部分专家和吉林大学历史学科部分资深教授为《史学集刊》留下些珍贵的文字,以示纪念。(以 下顺序按姓氏笔画排定)
“Historical Studies” was founded in 1956, after the publication of an accident. After the Third Plenary Session of the 11th CPC Central Committee, we bathed in the spring blessing of science. In 1981, “Historical Journals” finally regained its freshman status. Over the past 20 years, Historiography has always adhered to the party’s basic principles, implemented the principle of letting all flowers bloom and contested one hundred schools of thought and abided by the purpose of running academic torch and carrying forward historical and cultural contents. It has formed its own unique features and launched a large number of academic quality dissertations. On the occasion of the 20th anniversary of this resumption, in order to review the past and look forward to the future, this magazine specially invited some experts from domestic academic circles and some senior professors from the history discipline of Jilin University to leave some precious texts for the “Historiographies” in commemoration. (The order is based on stroke order)