一个学校,一个班级,总存在着一些思想品德、学习都比较差或缺点较多的学生。这些学生组织纪律观念淡薄,平时总会给班级工作添麻烦,考试拖班级、年级总成绩的后腿。这样的学生往往叫老师心烦、家长心焦、社会心忧。当前,由于受片面追求升学率的影响,在中小学教育中,忽视差生教育的现象还比较严重。差生真的天生就差吗?无法教育吗? 原苏联著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基说过:“教育的
In a school and a class, there are always students who are ideologically and morally impaired or have a lot of learning. These student organizations have a weak concept of discipline, and they always give trouble to the class work, which is a hindrance to the overall grades of the class. Such students often call their teachers upset, parents worried, and social concerns. At present, due to the unilateral pursuit of higher education rates, it is still relatively serious to ignore poor students’ education in primary and secondary education. Are poor students really born bad? Can’t we educate? The former Soviet Union eminent souk Ollinski said: "Educational