医学专家把焦虑、抑郁、愤怒、恐惧、沮丧、悲伤、痛苦、紧张等不良情绪叫作“负性情绪”。负性情绪若超过人体生理活动所能调节的范围,就可能与其它内外因交织在一起,引起多种疾病的发生。医学心理学的研究表明:约有80%的老年性疾病与各种精神因素的刺激有关,究其机理,系由于不良心理因素影响机体的生化代谢,使免疫功能降低所致。 明朝开国皇帝朱元璋喜爱钓鱼。一天,他命才子解缙和自己一起到御花园中的池塘里钓鱼,解缙一连钓了好几条,而朱元璋的鱼竿却纹丝不动,朱元璋顿时面带怒色。解缙心想,皇上是乘兴而来,如果一条鱼也钓不到,万一他恼羞成怒,那可不是闹着玩
Medical experts refer to negative emotions as anxiety, depression, anger, fear, depression, sadness, pain, tension and other negative emotions. Negative emotions if more than the scope of human physiological activities can be adjusted, it may be interwoven with other internal and external causes, causing a variety of diseases. Medical psychology studies have shown that: about 80% of senile diseases and various mental factors to stimulate the study of its mechanism, due to adverse psychological factors affect the body’s biochemical metabolism, so that immune function decreased. Ming Dynasty founding emperor Zhu Yuanzhang love fishing. One day, he willed the genius Jie Jin and his Royal Garden to the pond fishing, Xie Jin angled for several fishing, while the emperor’s fishing rod was motionless, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly angry. Xie Jin thought, the emperor is hoping to come, if a fish can not catch, if he is furious, it is not a joke