从平面到立体 第二次世界大战后期,美军在南太平洋战场上跳岛战术取得节节胜利,当海军陆战队战士经过激战登上被日军占据的硫磺岛时,一面大大的星条旗传递到冲向山顶战士们的手中,他们找来一根长长的铁管子,把旗帜捆绑好,使劲插在火山口的石缝中。一位随军记者拿起照相机,将这一历史性的瞬间记录了下来;这一天是1945年2月23日。是役美军与日军战况十分惨烈,美海军陆战队在强大舰艇火力的支援下登陆,争夺每一个暗堡、每一条战壕,阵亡人数高达6800余人。这张照片经过报刊登载,从此成了新闻摄影中的经典之作。抢拍这张照片的摄影记者,由此也名声大噪。
From plane to three-dimensional World War II, the U.S. military made a triumphant victory in the island-hopping tactics of the battlefield in the South Pacific Ocean. As the marines marched on the Iwo Jima island, In the hands of the top warriors, they took a long iron pipe, bound the flag, and stuck it hard in the crater of the crater. A military correspondent picked up the camera and recorded this historic moment; this day was February 23, 1945. The U.S. and Japanese military battles were extremely tragic. The U.S. Marines landed with the support of a powerful naval firepower and competed for every bunker and every trench. The number of casualties was as high as 6,800. This photo was published in the press and has since become a classic in photojournalism. Photographers who snatched the photo were also famous.