Located in the Dongting Lake in the Junshan Island, surrounded by water, a radius of 0.93 square kilometers. The island has parks (tourism and tea) and Lu fishing complex two units. Since 1979, we have experimented on the epidemiology and control measures here. Before the spring flood, we should kill the susceptible zone commonly used within 200m around Junshan and use the tractor to push the soil to fill the depression. In May to June on 3 years old residents with nylon silk spit test method, from June to August for the detection of patients with pathogenic treatment; experimental area ban cattle, domestic dogs, captive pigs. The prevalence of schistosomiasis in Junshan Island is complex, the effects of snail-killing are hard to consolidate, and the external sources of infection are not easy to control. These are the main reasons for the poor actual control in six years.