媒体工作者首先应该是一个文人。思想的传播,赖以字字珠玑、文采飞扬的文章。言之无文,则行而不远。一篇文章只有语言优美、内容充实、富有新意和有所教益,才能获得读者的认可,也更是读者的期许。媒体担负起了传播思想的责任,而出色的媒体需要出色的文人。 媒体工作者在经营媒体时,还要学会做一个商人。因为媒体的运作有时同企业一样.有它内在的经营之道和价值规律。要想办好一个媒
Media workers should first be a literary man. The spread of ideas, rely on every word, literary flying articles. No words in words, the line and not far away. Only an article with beautiful language, full of content, full of new ideas and lessons in order to get the reader's approval, but also the reader's expectations. The media takes on the responsibility of spreading ideas, and good media needs excellent writers. Media workers have to learn to be a businessman when they run the media. Because the media is sometimes operated in the same way as an enterprise, it has its own internal management and value laws. To do a good job of media