《聂成文书画集》于2003年8月由辽宁美术出版社正式出版发行了。书画集选入聂成文先生的书法近作37件和绘画作品40件,这是先生继2000 年《聂成文书法集》之后又一部力作问世。书画集中的作品,无论是绘画还是书法都表现出豪迈、雄浑、古雅与空灵的多元化艺术气息,其鲜明个性,强烈风格,具有极大的艺术感染力,是一部难得的书画合璧之作。
“Nie Cheng Wen Painting and Calligraphy Collection” in August 2003 by the Liaoning Fine Arts Publishing House was officially published. Painting and calligraphy selected Mr. Nie Chengwen nearly 37 calligraphy and 40 pieces of paintings, this is Mr. following the 2000 “Nie Cheng calligraphy set” after another masterpiece came out. Centralized works of calligraphy and painting, both painting and calligraphy have shown heroic, powerful, quaint and ethereal diversity of artistic style, its distinct personality, strong style, with great artistic appeal, is a rare combination of calligraphy and painting .