在构建大语文体系的今天,广告讲究创意,MTV讲究创意,公共场合的标 语、告示也在讲究创意,它们再不是过去 那种古板的面孔、空洞的说教和尖刻的 言辞,取而代之的是一种全新的人文关 怀和文化气息。 江苏盐城市2002年初中升学统一考 试中的一道语言表述题,就为广大考生 提供了这样一次表现创意、展示才情的 机会。 [中考原题] 校园内有一方清水塘,常见各种漂
In today’s building of a large language system, advertisements emphasize creativity, MTV emphasizes creativity, and placards and signs in public are also particular about creativity. They are no longer the kind of old-fashioned faces, empty preaching, and spiky words used in the past. Instead, they are replaced by New humanistic care and cultural atmosphere. In Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province, a language presentation question in the mid-2002 entrance examination to provide the candidates with such an opportunity to express their ideas and show their talents. [In the original test] There is a clear pond on the campus, a variety of common drift