化学平衡是高中化学重要的一部分知识。也是和化工工业联系密切的基础知识,因此,亦为高考中的一个“热点”问题.这类试题难度大,考查思维层次深,解题方法灵活,对同学们综合能力要求较高,尤其和物理知识联系紧密. 例1一刚性容器内部有一不漏气且可滑动的活塞. 将容器分成左右两室,左室充入N2,右室充入A、B两种气体,且A和B的物质的量之比为3:2,A、B发生反应3A(g)+2B(g)(?)C(g),反应开始前活塞停在离左端1/4 处,反应在恒温下进行.当反应达到平衡时,活塞处于容器中间.在此过程中,气体A的转化率为多少?
Chemical balance is an important part of high school chemistry. It is also a basic knowledge that is closely related to the chemical industry. Therefore, it is also a “hot spot” problem in the college entrance examination. These kinds of test questions are difficult, the depth of the examination thinking is deep, the problem-solving method is flexible, and the students’ comprehensive ability requirements are high, especially The physical knowledge is closely linked. Example 1 A rigid container has an airtight, slidable piston inside it. The container is divided into two chambers, the left chamber is filled with N2, the right chamber is filled with two gases, A, B, and A and B. The ratio of the amount of substance is 3:2. The reaction between A and B is 3A(g)+2B(g)(?)C(g). Before the start of the reaction, the piston stops at 1/4 of the left end, and the reaction proceeds at a constant temperature. When the reaction reaches equilibrium, the piston is in the middle of the container. In this process, how much is the conversion of gas A?