病例:男,17岁,学生。因发热、头痛、呕吐、抽搐3天于1992年8月12日入院。体检:体温39.1℃,意识朦胧,颈强,双侧巴彬斯基征阳性,无其它阳性体征。WBC 12.0×10~9/L,N 0.70.L 0.28,M 0.02。脑脊液:WBC 82.0×10~6/L.N 0.60,L 0.30,M 0.10。生化正常,革兰氏与墨汁染色均(-),细菌培养(-)。血清乙脑特异抗体 IgM(-)。颅脑 CT 未见异常。临床诊断“流行性乙型脑炎”。应用青霉素、地塞米松、甘露醇及干扰素等治疗2天体温、意识恢复正常,5天全部临床症状及阳性体征消失而出院。4周后上述症状复出入院,立
Case: Male, 17 years old, student. Due to fever, headache, vomiting, convulsions 3 days in 1992 August 12 admission. Physical examination: body temperature 39.1 ℃, confusion, neck strong, bilateral Babinski sign positive, no other positive signs. WBC 12.0 × 10 ~ 9 / L, N 0.70.L 0.28, M 0.02. Cerebrospinal fluid: WBC 82.0 × 10 ~ 6 / L.N 0.60, L 0.30, M 0.10. Biochemical normal, both Gram and ink stain (-), bacterial culture (-). Serum JE-specific IgM (-). No abnormal brain CT. Clinical diagnosis of “Japanese encephalitis”. Application of penicillin, dexamethasone, mannitol and interferon for 2 days of body temperature, consciousness returned to normal, 5 days all clinical symptoms and positive signs disappeared and discharged. 4 weeks after the above symptoms back to hospital, legislation