The steps in preparing the marketing plan

来源 :青春岁月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:poloyzhang
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The key factor of your business successful is the market your business, that is why it is vitally important to develop a solid, workable marketing plan. A marketing plan is a plan for using the marketing resources that you have to achieve your marketing objectives. Before the preparation of the marketing plan the entrepreneur will need to complete the industry analysis section of the business plan. The key factor of your business successful is the market your business, that is why it is vitally important to develop a solid, workable marketing plan. A marketing plan is a plan for using the marketing resources that you have to achieve your marketing objectives. Before the preparation of the marketing plan the entrepreneur will need to complete the industry analysis section of the business plan.
【案例背景】  《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》,在对低年级教学的要求中指出:“结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。”那么小学低年级的语文课堂中该如何开展阅读教学,才能为日后的中高年级学习运用语言文字打下坚实的基础呢?正确理解是运用的前提,而正确运用反过来能更好地促进理解。两者都是阅读教学的重要内容。  小学低年级语文学科到底要理解什么?特级教师刘仁增在《理解与运用