This article argues that in the traditional Chinese system of essays, there is a lack of strictness in the nature and essence of literature. Especially in the ancient prose, the “classical prose” style, which is widely used as the language carrier of expression, is difficult to be determined by the combination of emotional and non-emotional factors, aesthetic and non-aesthetic texts. As the successor to the Norse Movement since the Middle Tang Dynasty and the Dian Army, Tongcheng school and the theory of righteousness, textual research. In the debate and quarrel of the Book of World Studying, his emphasis on the artistic principle of ancient prose writing and the emphasis on the composition of art and emotion in the expression of ancient prose reflects the self-consciousness of the style inspired by his own survival needs and artistic sense of straightness. This kind of stylistic self-awareness, which is dependent on learning and turning ancient Chinese back into ancient Chinese, is full of pains of stripping off from miscellaneous literary system. However, it is mainly reflected in the literature accepted by Chinese people during the May 4th Movement which was influenced by Western academic thoughts The concept of emotion and imagination coincide, by chance.