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本文认为:在中国传统的杂文学体系中,文学的属性与本质特征缺乏严格的规定性。尤其是古代散文中的“古文”文体,其在广泛作为表情达意的语言载体时,情感的与非情感的因素,审美的与非审美的文字,交合杂糅,难以厘定。作为中唐以来古文运动的承继者与殿军,桐城派在与义理之学、考据之学。经世之学的辩诘争讼中,其对古文写作中艺术性原则的注重,对古文表情达意过程中艺术与情感构成的强调,体现出由于自身生存需要和艺术直感所激发的文体自觉。这种由依附经学转而让古文回到古文自身的文体自觉,充满着与杂文学体系剥离的痛苦,但却与五四时期受到西方学术思想影响而被国人所普遍接受的文学重在表现人的情感和想像的观念不约而同,不期而遇。 This article argues that in the traditional Chinese system of essays, there is a lack of strictness in the nature and essence of literature. Especially in the ancient prose, the “classical prose” style, which is widely used as the language carrier of expression, is difficult to be determined by the combination of emotional and non-emotional factors, aesthetic and non-aesthetic texts. As the successor to the Norse Movement since the Middle Tang Dynasty and the Dian Army, Tongcheng school and the theory of righteousness, textual research. In the debate and quarrel of the Book of World Studying, his emphasis on the artistic principle of ancient prose writing and the emphasis on the composition of art and emotion in the expression of ancient prose reflects the self-consciousness of the style inspired by his own survival needs and artistic sense of straightness. This kind of stylistic self-awareness, which is dependent on learning and turning ancient Chinese back into ancient Chinese, is full of pains of stripping off from miscellaneous literary system. However, it is mainly reflected in the literature accepted by Chinese people during the May 4th Movement which was influenced by Western academic thoughts The concept of emotion and imagination coincide, by chance.
文章针对在归档过程中存在的问题,结合青海水文特点,提出相应的对策。 In this paper, the problems existing in the archiving process, combined with the characteristi
在上海众多新型水管中 ,以耐腐蚀、耐高温、不结垢、无污染、施工方便、安全可靠、永不渗水、使用寿命长为特色的PPR管 ,备受人们青睐。上海建筑防水材料总公司率先开发生产的PPR管
我们自1994年1月至1996年12月应用无环鸟苷与阿糖胞苷对比治疗带状疱疹157例,均取得满意疗效,现报告如下:1 临床资料11 一般资料 所有病例均为住院病人,男86例,女71例,年龄18~82岁,其中60岁以上者75例。皮疹分
【案例背景】  《义务教育语文课程标准(2011年版)》,在对低年级教学的要求中指出:“结合上下文和生活实际了解课文中词句的意思,在阅读中积累词语。”那么小学低年级的语文课堂中该如何开展阅读教学,才能为日后的中高年级学习运用语言文字打下坚实的基础呢?正确理解是运用的前提,而正确运用反过来能更好地促进理解。两者都是阅读教学的重要内容。  小学低年级语文学科到底要理解什么?特级教师刘仁增在《理解与运用
秦佑国 (清华大学建筑学院教授、院长、会议主持人 )我代表清华大学建筑学院向与会代表表示热烈欢迎。在这里我引述王国维《人间词话》中关于“三种境界”的那段名言 ,我认为
随着信息技术的发展和国家现代远程教育工程的实施,远程教育在山西教育体系中的战略地位日益凸现,发展中应注意哪些问题及具体应采取哪些措施是目前的当务之急。 With the d