2014年我国汽车产销量继续领跑全球,虽自主品牌走弱,但车企逆势中寻发展取得不错的成绩。2 01 4年,中国汽车业交出了令人振奋的答卷,中国汽车工业协会2015年1月12日公布的数据显示,2014年我国汽车产销量超过2300万辆,创全球历史新高,连续六年蝉联全球第一。我国“汽车大国”的地位再次巩固,这一年,乘用车继续走强,尤其SUV和MPV车型更是表现突出,新能源汽车爆发式增长,比2013年同期增
In 2014, China’s auto production and sales volume continued to lead the world, although its own brand weakened, but the car prices in the contrarian potential to achieve good results. According to the data released by China Association of Automobile Manufacturers on January 12, 2015, the production and sales volume of automobiles in China exceeded 23 million in 2014, setting a new record high in the world. For six consecutive years Year reelected the world first. In the same year, the passenger cars continued to strengthen. In particular, the SUV and MPV models were outstanding. The explosive growth of new energy vehicles was over the same period of 2013