Before the advent of anti-TB drugs, tuberculosis on pregnant women and fetuses detrimental is very clear. With the advent of modern chemotherapy, the prognosis has been significantly improved. However, there are new problems arising from the use of anti-tuberculosis drugs during pregnancy. One of them is the possible fetal malformation. Therefore, some doctors advocate abortion. The authors investigated 14 pregnant women with active tuberculosis who had used INH, RFP and EB and other drugs during pregnancy. No complications were found during pregnancy, during labor or within the first month after termination of pregnancy. Eleven live births (childbirth from 4 days to 7 years old) also found no abnormalities and the other 3 had abortions. In the meantime, the authors reviewed extensive information on the use of INH, SM, EB and / or RFP during pregnancy in pregnant women with tuberculosis and discussed their pregnancy outcomes. Of the 1302 infants or infants with INH, there were 16 abnormal fetuses or infants; 170 of the 203 infants with SM were normal, and 35 were abnormal and mostly were auditory nerves