《现代装饰》“城市发现”大型系列专题之 郑州,越来越好

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缘起相比城市规划师、建筑师相比,室内设计师可以说是最熟悉和了解城市变化的群体,因为他们日日夜夜在研究、满足人们剧住与生活的需求变化和趋势。而城市进步的动力与目的,最终归于的也正是城市中的那些芸芸众生。在同行媒体包括我刊乃至所有号称走向“国际化”的社会媒体都以介绍国外内容为“高端化”的重要参数的当下,我们想转过身来,和我们的设计师们,一起环视我们工作、生活、奋斗着的土地。我们想了解室内设计师如何看待他所在的城市,喜欢什么,厌恶什么,在思考什么,是怎样的生存状态,又有什么样的喜怒哀乐;甚至于,如果有朋自远方来,他们想为设计同行们炫耀什么、推荐什么?我们更想要关注各地的设计行业正在发生什么,有什么典型性的特征,有哪些典型人物,有什么创新思维;我们想知道在不同城市的环境和背景下,室内设计师们如何对待客户,如何进行设计创作,如何进行运营管理,他们又有着哪些困惑和探索?基于以上的种种因由,我们确定了本年度的大型主题策划“城市发现”。《现代装饰》要做的是,发起这么一个事,让设计师们除了讨论设计项目个案,也站起身,带着我们和更多的读者一起游历、观摩、审视他们所在的城市,以及那些人,那些事。自古以来,便有“得中原者得天下”之说,郑州位于中华腹地,历史上曾多次为都,其资源丰富、底蕴深厚自不用多说。 From the beginning compared to urban planners, architects, interior designers can be said to be the most familiar and understand the changes in the city groups, because they are studying day and night to meet the needs of people living and living changes and trends. The impetus and purpose of urban progress, and ultimately attributed to those who are in the city’s mortal beings. Now that the peer media, including our magazine and even all the social media organizations that are known as “internationalization,” nowadays want to turn around and talk to our designers , Look around our work, life, struggle with the land. We want to know how interior designers think about his city, what they like, what they like, what they think, what their living conditions are, and what kind of emotions they like; even if they have friends from afar, We would like to know what is happening in the design industry around the world, what are the typical characteristics, what are the typical people, and what is the innovative thinking. We want to know what is happening in the context and context of different cities How do interior designers treat customers, how to design and how to carry out operation management? What confused and exploration do they have? Based on the above reasons, we have identified the theme of this year’s “City Discovery”. What Modern Decoration wants to do is to launch a project that allows designers to stand apart and talk with more readers as they discuss design project cases, watch, examine their city, and who ,those things. Since ancient times, there have been “the Central Plains who have the world,” said that Zhengzhou is located in the hinterland of China. Historically, it has repeatedly been capitalized on its rich resources and profound connotations.
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【摘要】 高中化学教学中培养学生的创新能力,有利于提高学生自主学习的能力,克服学生的惰性思维,提升学生对于信息知识的分析和转化能力。在教学中,教师要结合时代特征和创新需要,优化课堂教学方法,创设课堂教学情景,充分利用课外活动,培养学生的创新力。  【关键词】 高中 化学教学 创新能力  世界的进步与发展离不开科学技术的进步和产业革命的创新,而推动科学技术和产业革命的核心动力是人才的创新能力。高中化