扁鹊,人们常用来称呼古代古医秦越人。那么,它是怎么来的 ?它是什么意思 ?原来,它是秦越人在赵国行医时,国人对他的尊称。而不是通常所说的来自于上古名医扁鹊,上古根本就没有所谓的名医扁鹊。赵国人这样尊称他,跟秦越人的高超医术和赵国人的鸟图腾崇拜有直接关系。
Bian Que, people commonly used to call the ancient ancient medical Qin Yue. Then, how did it come from? What does it mean? It turned out that it was the honorable name of the people of Qin and Yue people when he was practicing medicine in Zhao Guoguo. Instead of what is commonly referred to as the ancient medicine doctor Bian, there was no such thing as a famous doctor. Zhao Guoren respected him as such and had a direct relationship with Qin Yue’s superb medical technique and Zhao Guoren’s bird totem worship.