
来源 :中山大学研究生学刊(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fangfei123456
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文化派的崛起使得翻译研究的重点发生改变,即从语言及意义的对等到文化转换。根据安德烈·勒费维尔的操纵论,翻译作为改写的一种形式,主要受到三种因素的操纵——意识形态,赞助人以及诗学观。任何改写都会反映一定的意识形态以及诗学观,而诗学观通常决定在一个特定的文学系统中何种文学是合时宜的。再者,诗学观会受到来自系统外部的因素而发生改变,如政治的影响。另外,翻译除了受到诗学观的影响,还会在介绍新文学的同时(不论这种介绍是成功或是失败的),对主流诗学观的发展产生重要影响。本研究从操纵论的视角,在词汇、句子以及篇章层面分析了诗学观对于孙大雨和卞之琳的《李尔王》译本的影响。研究结果显示,主流诗学观确实决定了译者采用的翻译策略以及翻译原则。反之,译本也对当时的主流诗学观产生了一定的影响,而对该影响的分析则是本文的亮点。作者希望通过本次研究,能够更好地帮助译者、学者以及非专业的读者更好地理解译本中的诗学形态操纵,以便能把翻译放到更广阔的语境中去理解,对译本做出更理性的评价。 The rise of cultural schools makes the focus of translation studies changed from equivalence of languages ​​and meanings to cultural change. According to Andre Lefevere’s manipulation theory, translation, as a form of rewriting, is dominated by three factors - ideology, patronage, and poetics. Any rewriting will reflect a certain ideology and poetics, and poetics often determines what kind of literature is appropriate in a particular literary system. Moreover, the poetics view is subject to change from outside the system, such as political influence. Besides being influenced by poetics, translation also has an important influence on the development of the mainstream poetics while introducing new literature (whether successful or unsuccessful). In the perspective of manipulation theory, this study analyzes the influence of poetics on translations of King Lear by Bian Zhilin and Sun Dalai from the perspective of vocabulary, sentence and text. The results show that the mainstream poetics does determine the translator’s translation strategy and translation principles. On the contrary, the translation also had a certain impact on the mainstream poetics of the time, and the analysis of the impact was the highlight of this article. The author hopes that through this study, we can better help translators, scholars and non-professional readers to understand the manipulation of poetics in translation better so as to be able to interpret the translation in a wider context and to understand the translation Make a more rational evaluation.
肠易激综合征是一种常见病。为了使大家更生动地了解肠易激综合征的危险因素,下面介绍一些笔者诊疗过的病例。  【病例一】  某单位司机,将车借给了无驾照的朋友开,结果出了交通事故,其也被公安机关处以罚款,虽然没丢工作,却得了个腹泻型肠易激综合征。领导一叫出车,他就得急急忙忙先上厕所,一年后还出现恐癌症。  巨大的精神心理因素:生活中遭遇重大负面事件,有焦虑和抑郁、情绪烦躁、性格内向等情况的人,患病率明