Learning is More Self-directed

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  Some information is provided to us by the environment, and the timing and sequence of presentation is not under our immediate control (e.g., watching TV without a remote control or attending a lecture). Other information becomes accessible as a direct result of our own actions and choices, such as when we search for information online, interact with an unfamiliar device or mechanism, or ask questions of those around us. The goal of the present article is to consider the implications of these two modes of learning from both a cognitive and computational perspective.
  The distinction between “active” and “passive” information acquisition is a perennial and hugely  influential topic in the learning sciences (Bruner, Jolly, & Sylva, 1976; Montessori, 1912/1964;  National Research Council, 1999; Piaget, 1930). For example, instruction methods such as  discovery learning (Bruner, 1961), experiential learning (Kolb, 1984), and inquiry learning (Papert, 1980) all advocate situations in which learners engage in active hypothesis testing, interaction with  learning materials, and self-directed exploration. In many of these accounts,  self-directed acquisition of information is seen not only as a pedagogical tool but also as a “motivating force” on the desire to learn (Berlyne, 1960; Hebb, 1955). Similar ideas are prominent in theories of cognitive development (Adolph & Eppler, 1998; Gibson, 1988; Kuhn, Black, Keselman, & Kaplan, 2000; Montessori, 1912/1964; Piaget, 1930; Schulz & Bonawitz, 2007).
  However, relative to the widespread enthusiasm for an “active” view of human learning, there  has often been less attention given to self-directed information acquisition in cognitive psychology and cognitive neuroscience. In fact, empirical studies of human learning and memory are most typically passive in that the experimenter tightly controls (and manipulates) what  information is presented to the learner on every trial. As a result, basic research in learning and  memory has sometimes failed to make contact with core issues in educational research. Meanwhile, the many uses of the term “active learning” or “discovery learning” throughout the learning sciences have led to increasingly divergent conceptions of the basic issues (Chi, 2009).
  Although the idea that learning should be “active” or “self-directed” is a long-standing and influential idea, there is often a lack of agreement about exactly what this means (Chi, 2009). For  example, self-directed learning is alternately associated with physical activity during a task (e.g., Harman, Humphrey, & Goodale, 1999), the generation effect (i.e., enhanced long-term memory  for material that is actively retrieved; Crutcher & Healy, 1989; Jacoby, 1978), or with elaborative cognitive processes such as providing self-generated explanations (Lombrozo, 2006; Roscoe & Chi, 2007, 2008). The present article focuses on a single dimension of self-directed learning, namely, the consequence of allowing learners to make decisions about the information they want to experience. Our assertion is that interactions between information sampling behavior (i.e., the decision to access or gather some piece of information) and learning is one domain in which education, cognitive science, cognitive neuroscience, and machine learning research have the greatest immediate potential for cross-fertilization.   However, distinguishing between these various senses of self-directed learning is difficult in most realistic learning situations. For example, in a passive learning environment wherein choices about information selection are limited, learners can still choose to selectively attend to different cues or features of the presented stimulus (e.g., Rehder & Hoffman, 2005). Even a teacher-led, “passive” student might be cognitively active in the sense of mentally evaluating hypotheses or explanations, just as a self-directed learner may engage in self-explanation in order to decide what information to access. Likewise, the degree of engagement of individual learners in a task (i.e., their level of “cognitive activity”) may be influenced by whether they are physically active during learning. Nevertheless, as our review will summarize, there are important psychological implications simply from allowing learners to make decisions about what information they want to access.
一、引言  马克思主义社会科学方法论强调社会系统的研究方法,系统方法是社会科学研究所应遵循的方法论原则。本文将通过运用社会系统研究方法,对我国生态文明建设取得的成就进行梳理、总结。并以山东省为例,基于其在建设生态文明方面取得的成果,归纳社会系统研究方法对于生态文明建设的指导作用,并提出基于该方法下生态文明建设的相关政策性建议。  二、系统方法与生态文明建设  1、系统与系统方法。系统强调整体与部分
【摘 要】 “寡头统治铁律”的分析原理是:由于组织的存在,当选者获得了对于选民、被委托者对于委托者、代表对于被代表者的统治地位。寡头统治是任何试图实现集体行动的组织的必然结果,是任何有着良好愿望的人们无法改变的“铁律”,即使是强烈信奉社会民主原则的社会主义政党也难逃走向寡头政治的命运。  【关键词】 精英主义观 寡头政治 领袖专断  罗伯特.米歇尔斯(1876—1936),德裔意大利籍著名政治社会
肠道是机体的消化器官, 同时还具有内分泌、免疫等功能, 是机体非特异性抗感染的第一道防线。另一方面, 肠道又是机体最大的细菌和内毒素贮库, 为一隐匿性感染源。在消化、吸收各种营养物质的同时, 肠道又能将细菌及其代谢产物抑制于肠道内, 肠道防御屏障, 简 称 肠 道 屏 障 ( gut barrier) 在此过程中起有非常重要的作用  肠道屏障由肠上皮细胞层、黏液层、肠道正常菌群、肠道免疫系统、肠-
我一直都很喜欢反乌托邦的作品,因为它们可以向我们展示指向灾难的路标,提醒我们人类的韧性,帮助我们思考社会和政治变革的后果。——题记  作为一个反乌托邦的未来小说,玛格丽特·阿特伍德在《使女的故事》中描述了一个在严重辐射污染、资源匮乏、人口出生率极低背景下的国家—基列国。 在这样一个阶层分明、服装统一、井然有序、人人自律的国家,一个缄默低语、慎言慎行,对《圣经》顶礼膜拜的社会言必提上帝的社会,一个由
Abstract:Business Process Improvement has different approaches or techniques,each having its advantages and disadvantages.No single technique is suitable for all business situations;it depends on the
随手翻开柴静的《看见》,一段文字映入眼帘, 直刺心底:每个床上都是拱起的凌乱的被褥,有些从床上扯到地上,椅子翻倒在地,四脚朝天,那是逃命的撤退。这段话描写的是2003年非典时期北京市人民医院的一个场景。17年后,新型肺炎病毒疫情席卷全国,原本走亲访友、团聚欢笑的佳节,被一场突如其来的疫情无情地剥夺了。每个人只能足不出户待在家里,在冷清至极、焦虑、担心中慢慢挨过。没有了人声鼎沸,没有了车水马龙,没有
【摘 要】 马克思在《<政治经济学批判>导言》里,通过对生产、消费、分配和交换的理论研究,揭示了社会生产过程的客观规律。这一规律的总结不仅为政治经济学的发展划下重要的一点,还为各国经济发展作出了理论指导。在新时代,我国正处于释放巨大消费潜力的关键时期,为了进一步解放和发展生产力,供给侧必须做出相应的调整来满足市场需求,供给侧改革有待深化,供给侧改革的成果也必须加强巩固。马克思在《导言》中的论断具有
【摘 要】 在冀朝鼎的革命生涯中,创办《美亚》这段经历是一个重大的转折点。从1927年入党之后的十年间,冀朝鼎主要为美共中国局从事公开的宣传教育工作和群众工作,1936年之后,根据共产国际关于建立国际反法西斯统一战线的战略需要,冀朝鼎开始逐渐淡出公开的共产党的色彩,以进步知识分子的面貌出现,在美国的知识界、学术界开展抗日国际统一战线的工作,而《美亚》就是他实现角色转换的重要舞台。  【关键词】 冀
【摘 要】 本文从番茄皮保健蛋糕的用料、工艺流程、制作程序、操作要领、实验方法,营养价值分析等方面进行了综合阐述。  【关键词】 番茄皮粉 蛋糕 制作工艺 营养价值分析  番茄皮保健蛋糕采用低筋面粉和番茄皮粉、鸡蛋和糖来制作蛋糕,番茄皮籽含有很高的天然膳食纤维, 而膳食纤维素在天然食品成分中具有膨胀作用、持水能力、胶体形成等独特功能,有缩短食物在肠内的通过时问,预防肠癌;降低血胆固醇水平,减少动脉