环状剥皮是果树夏季修剪的一个内容。环剥可以切断枝条皮层,暂时中断枝条上部营养物质的下流,增加环剥以上部分营养物质的积累;同时,使根系供给环剥以上部分的营养物质相对减少,抑制营养生长,加速花芽的分化。 1978年以来,我们在上秦公社王家墩大队果园作了环剥试验,并对二坝大队林场实行环剥技术的情况作了总结,都证明环剥效果是较为显著的。环剥的效果主要表现在: 环剥能克服果树的大小年现象,对大小年现象比较严重的树,除加强综合管理措施外,
Annular peeling is a summer fruit trimmer. Girdling can cut off the branches cortex temporarily cut off the nutrients in the upper part of branches and increase the accumulation of some nutrients above the girdling. At the same time, the nutrients supplied by the roots to the above part of the girdle are reduced, inhibiting vegetative growth and accelerating flower bud differentiation. Since 1978, we conducted a girdling test at the orchard of the Wangjiadun Brigade in Shangqin Commune and summarized the circumvention of the circumcision technique at the dam site of Dam Dam, which proved that the effect of girdling is significant. Girdling effect mainly in: girdling to overcome the size of the annual phenomenon of fruit trees, the size of the year more serious tree, in addition to strengthening the integrated management measures,