β thalassemia (hereinafter referred to as β thalassemia) is a major type of thalassemia in China with a wide distribution, especially in Guangdong, Guangxi, Fujian, Yunnan, Guizhou and Sichuan provinces. Some estimates suggest that about 2-3% of Chinese are carriers of the beta thalassemia gene. Census data show 1.36% in Guangdong, 1.52% in Guangxi, 5.5% in Yunnan, 2.2% in Guizhou and 2.2% in Sichuan, some of them higher, For example, Hainan Island is 6.3% Li, while 6% of Hong Kong Chinese are heterozygous. Beta-thalassemia is caused by a decrease in β-globin peptide synthesis (β-thalassemia) or absence (β ° thalassemia)