记:先灵葆雅是一家享誉全球的跨国制药公司,进入中国市场已经十余年了,在中国的发展情况如何? Kelly:先灵葆雅公司行政总部设在美国新泽西州,在全球20多个国家投资设厂,40多个国家设立有附属公司,处方药、非处方药及动物保健制品销售遍布全球125个国家和地区。 1986年,先灵葆雅开始与中国携手合作。1991年以来,先后在上海、北京、广州、杭州设立办事处。中
Note: Schering-Plow is a world-renowned multinational pharmaceutical company, has entered the Chinese market for more than ten years, the development in China how? Kelly: Schering-Plow's administrative headquarters in New Jersey, the United States in more than 20 countries invest in factories, More than 40 countries have subsidiaries, and prescription drugs, over-the-counter drugs and animal health products are sold in 125 countries and regions. In 1986, Schering Plow started to work together with China. Since 1991, successively set up offices in Shanghai, Beijing, Guangzhou and Hangzhou. in