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随着我国医疗卫生保障体系的不断完善,国家对构建和谐医患关系给予了高度重视,必须加强高职医学生医患沟通能力的有效培养,才能更好地满足医疗事业的发展需求,最终达到降低医疗纠纷发生率的目的,对于提高医疗服务水平有着重要作用。本文就高职医学生医患沟通能力培养的作用进行阐述,对高职医学生医患沟通能力培养的途径进行探讨,以促进高职医学生未来更好发展。 With the constant improvement of medical security system in our country, the state attaches great importance to building a harmonious relationship between doctors and patients. It is necessary to strengthen the effective training of doctors and patients in higher vocational medical communication ability in order to better meet the development needs of medical services and finally achieve The purpose of reducing the incidence of medical disputes plays an important role in improving the level of medical services. This article elaborates the role of medical students’communication abilities in higher vocational education and probes into ways of cultivating communication skills between doctors and patients in higher vocational colleges in order to promote the better development of higher vocational medical students in the future.
[摘 要] 随着目前社会经济的综合发展,对于建筑空间设计提出了更高的要求,环境艺术设计基础课程作为重要的对建筑室外空间环境以及室内空间环境进行综合设计整合的学科,也是一门具有一定的实践性以及实用性的学科。针对有关环境艺术设计基础课程应用教改这一课题进行相应的研究,以此提出合理化的改进意见,从而促进环境艺术设计基础课程的进一步发展。  [关 键 词] 环境艺术;基础课程;教学方法  [中图分类号]
白恩培自2001年10月就任云南省委书记以来,走遍了全省的16个地、州、市,逐一进行调查研究,并在调研中逐步理出了符合云南省情的全面建设小康的思路 Since her appointment a
一、广告策划无须说理 关键在于诉情 1993年6月,长沙酒厂生产的“白沙”矿泉水正待上市,市场上却猛然刮起一股“飞山不老泉”旋风,遍布大街小巷。 面对激烈竞争,“白沙”厂
Aim: To investigate the effect of abrogating heat shock protein (HSP) 70 expression by antisense HSP70 oligonucleotides treatment on human androgen-independent
本文将心理训练方法中的想象训练与篮球常规教学法相结合.改进专项课的教学,通过实验测试.取得较好的教学效果,为普通高校篮球选项教学提供了一个案例。 This article combines
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