Children, male, 8 years old. Right scrotum mass 3 months. 2 days ago in a hospital diagnosed as right testicular hydrocele, puncture out 15ml pale yellow liquid into the sheath after injection of 10ml0.5g) tetracycline solution. After injection of ipsilateral scrotum within the mild pain, 1 day ago, the pain within the right scrotum, scrotum was significantly swollen. Physical examination: T37.5 ℃, right scrotum swelling, scrotum and 2 × 1.5 × 1.5cm hard testicular hard, obvious tenderness, epididymis in the front of the testis, left spermatic cord thickening. Left scrotum normal, which can be 1.2 × 1.0 × 1.0cm within the size of soft testis, no tenderness, epididymis located in the testicular rear. Laboratory tests: blood WBC13.8 × 10 ~ 9. / L, N67%, L34%, M2%, diagnosis: right testicular torsion. Emergency under general anesthesia to take high scrotum incision surgery to open the testis sheath, see the larger sheath, which has bloody exudate, testis