茭白,是上海郊县种植的水生蔬菜之一,对于调节市场蔬菜的供应,起到“杠杆”作用。近年来,茭白的质量、产量下降,“灰茭”以至于“雄茭”大量出现,如何防止茭白少出“灰茭”和“雄茭”,藉以提高茭白的产量和质量的问题,实为大家所关心。一、茭白的成因茭白不只是一种植物,而是一种真菌寄生在一种植物上的产物。它原先分布在亚洲东南部,为多年生禾本科植物——茭草[ziza-nia cadueifora(Ture ex Trin.)Hand-Ma-zz],因受到一种真菌的侵染,引起幼茎膨
It is one of the aquatic vegetables planted in the suburbs of Shanghai. It plays a “leverage” role in regulating the supply of vegetables in the market. In recent years, the quality and output of raw materials have dropped. As a result, there have been a great deal of wars in Hong Kong. Therefore, the issue of how to prevent the output of wichen and increase the output and quality of wiched peas, Everyone cares. First, the cause of 茭 white 茭 white is not just a plant, but a fungus parasitic on a plant product. Originally distributed in the southeastern Asia, it is a perennial gramineous plant, Ziza-nia cadueifora (Ture ex Trin.) Hand-Ma-zz,