女性性欲亢进(又称女子色情狂、花痴、花邪等)见于妇女青春期至绝经期的任何时候,引起的原因有心理因素与病理因素两大类。 据西方社会有关调查证实,心理因素引起的性欲亢进占多数。这与社会制度、性道德观念、黄色宣传等因素有关。性解放思潮,极有刺激性的电影、电视、画刊、读物以及热恋、反复接受大量的性刺激或过多的贪恋色情等,都是促使性欲亢进的重要因素。另外,精神病患者约有60%有性活动亢进倾向。 引起性欲亢进的病理因素有肾上腺肿瘤、卵巢肿瘤;大脑、丘脑下部和脑垂体肿瘤,早期可反射性的引起腺体分泌过多激素,出现
Female sexuality hyperthyroidism (also known as female eroticism, animal in nature, flowers, etc.) seen in women at any time of adolescence to menopause, the causes of psychological and pathological factors are two major categories. According to the investigation of Western society confirmed that psychological factors caused by the majority of sexual desire hyperthyroidism. This is related to the social system, sexual morality and yellow propaganda. Sexual emancipation trend, very exciting film, television, pictures, reading and love, repeatedly accept a lot of sexual stimulation or excessive love of pornography, are important factors that promote sexual desire hyperthyroidism. In addition, about 60% of psychiatric patients have a tendency to increase sexual activity. The pathological factors that cause hypersensitivity are adrenal tumors, ovarian tumors; the brain, the hypothalamus and pituitary tumors, the early reflex can cause excessive gland secretion of hormones, there