
来源 :中国建材 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:heyfeng
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近年来,在深化改革、扩大开放形势下,建材行业股份制试点进入了一个发展高潮时期。一方面,已经走上股份制发展道路的企业注意按照国务院有关规定规范自己的行为,努力实现持续稳定的健康发展;另一方面,越来越多的国有大、中型建材企业,经过充分的准备,在有关部门的支持和帮助下,开始了改制的实际操作。国有企业进行股份制改造的目的究竞是什么?概括地说:一是开辟新的筹资渠道、广泛筹措社会资金,用于自身的发展;二是实现企业机制的转换,寻求一条适应 In recent years, under the conditions of deepening reforms and expanding opening up, the joint-stock pilot of the building materials industry has entered a period of high development. On the one hand, enterprises that have embarked on the development path of joint-stock companies have been paying attention to regulating their own behavior in accordance with the relevant regulations of the State Council and striving to achieve sustained and stable healthy development. On the other hand, more and more large and medium-sized state-owned building materials enterprises have been fully prepared. With the support and assistance of relevant departments, the actual operation of restructuring was started. What is the purpose of the reform of state-owned enterprises in the joint-stock system? In a nutshell: First, open up new financing channels, widely raise social funds for their own development, and second, realize the transformation of enterprise mechanisms and seek an adaptation.
在一个平面内,将一个图形经过某种确定的方法转换成另一图形,称为图形变换. 常见的图形变换有平移变换、轴对称变换、旋转变换和相似变换. 在新课程标准下,图形变换是空间与图形的一个重要内容,它强调学生自主探索和实验操作,有利于培养学生的创新能力. 在某些几何问题中,条件比较分散,不容易把握各元素的关系,如果以运动的观点看待问题,通过图形变换,使图形动起来,让图形更容易“操作”,在图形的变化中把握不变的
高尔基曾说:“文学的第一要素是语言。”诗歌语言最突出的特点就是含蓄凝练,简短的诗句中蕴含丰富的意蕴。所以,品味诗歌的语言对我们学习古典诗歌有着非常重要的作用。那么,古典诗歌的哪些语言是值得我们细细品味的呢?  一、品味古典诗歌“炼字”的独到之处  1.把握古典诗歌中的动词。在古典诗歌中,动词的准确使用能够增强语言的表现力。尤其是在描写景物的时候,动词的使用能够使静态的景物变为动态的景物,它能够使我