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紫禁城城墙是我国现存规模最大、保存最完整的皇家宫殿城墙,蕴涵着丰富的历史、文化、军事信息,具有重要的考古、科学价值。本文结合历史文献,应用现代勘察物探技术,分析了城墙内夯土物理力学性质,并测定了夯土矿物成分;对城墙的现状作了初步调查,依据病害的不同形式及破损机理进行分类,主要损伤有不均匀沉降、鼓胀变形、裂缝、风化剥落、有害植被、返碱等,同时提出了保护城墙的基本对策及建议。 The wall of the Forbidden City is the largest and most complete preserved royal palace wall in China. It contains rich historical, cultural and military information and is of important archaeological and scientific value. In this paper, combined with historical literature, using modern prospecting geophysical exploration technology, the physical and mechanical properties of bauxite within the city walls were analyzed, and the mineral composition of bauxite was determined; a preliminary survey of the current status of the city wall was conducted, and the classification was based on different forms of disease and damage mechanisms. The damage has uneven settlement, bulging deformation, cracks, weathered flaking, harmful vegetation, returning alkali, etc. At the same time, the basic countermeasures and suggestions for the protection of the city wall are proposed.
摘 要: 抽象概括能力的提高对于发展小学生形式化思维具有推动促进作用,然而,审视我们的数学课堂,不难发现,违背学生认知规律,无视教材阶段性的目标要求,过度、过早和过分去抽象概括的现象时有发生,这也直接导致教学效率低下,教学效果适得其反。本文对这三种现象作深度分析并提出相应的预防应对策略。  关键词: 抽象;认知规律;思维  中图分类号: G427 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1992-7711(
融趣味性、层次性于一体的家庭作业,不但能激发学生浓厚的作业兴趣,而且能给学生留有自主选择的空间,使他们有更多的时间自由支配,实现学生学习的自主性,让学生成为学习的自觉探究者和发现者,为升至初中打下坚实的基础。据笔者深入调查,发现了在新型的作业设计的基础上稍加改进,会达到事半功倍的效果。  一.作业现状  (一)改进作业的形式  平时的六年级语文作业形式只重视学生的写,单调、乏味,极大地挫伤了学生的