A Study on Tidal Force Triggering of the Wenchuan M_S8.0 Earthquake and Its Strong Aftershocks

来源 :Earthquake Research in China | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ganglei2008
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By calculating the azimuth,phase angle and change rate of tidal force,and contrasting their rupture types,we find that in 6 of 11 reverse faulting earthquakes,the angles between the direction of the horizontal tidal force and compressive principal stress are within 33°,the vertical phase angles of all 8 strike-slip earthquakes are in the upward peak section and the vertical phase angles of two extensional normal faulting earthquakes are in the downward peak section.According to the above statistics,the mechanism of tidal force triggering of the Wenchuan MS8.0 Earthquake and its strong aftershocks is discussed. By calculating the azimuth, phase angle and change rate of tidal force, and contrasting their rupture types, we find that in 6 of 11 reverse faulting earthquakes, the angles between the direction of the horizontal tidal force and compressive principal stress are within 33 °, the vertical phase angles of all 8 strike-slip earthquakes are in the upward peak section and the vertical phase angles of two extensional normal faulting earthquakes are in the downward peak section. According to the above statistics, the mechanism of tidal force triggering of the Wenchuan MS8.0 Earthquake and its strong aftershocks are discussed.
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